學員們端恪一心恭誦懺文。 |
大眾雲集禮懺淨心,佛前獻供。 |
護法會會長 傳洵╱看到年紀漸長的居士奮力地念佛跪拜,十分感動,深深覺得我們應該把握當下的因緣,及時用功。每次讀誦懺文,都有非常不同的體會;錯過拜懺的因緣,便錯失了立即修正自己的機會。理上要悟,事上必修,非常感恩並慶幸有福報圓滿禮懺,給自己一年清新的開始!
副會長 Darlene Cioffi-Pangilla(傳領)╱ During the ceremony, I felt a lightness about me, a cleansing. This awareness came on out of nowhere and caused me to stop what I was doing and think: Had my sins, for the time being, been washed away? There was, and continues to be, at this writing, an inner calm and clarity.(法會期間,內心感受到一種輕安與淨化。這念覺性無從而來,卻讓我停下來反思:隨著時間的流逝,罪業洗滌了嗎?是的,且持續進行中,就在我書寫的當下,這念平靜清明的心。)
副會長 Sue Johnson(傳倫)╱ For me this ceremony creates an opportunity to focus and look inward. To detect and try to rectify my bad habits and wrong doings. Reciting the liturgy helps me broaden my scope of awareness as it guides me in following Buddha's teachings, reaffirms to practice the path of virtues, be more mindful of causality and try to eliminate more sufferings, not only just for myself but for all sentient beings.(對我而言,法會創造了個專注內省的機會。覺察並努力修正自己的壞習慣及錯誤行為。恭誦懺本幫助我擴展覺性:它引導我,要依循佛陀教誨,再次肯定修行正道,警覺因果道理,避免再造苦果,不是只為自己,而是為了一切眾生。)
總監 傳遠╱上了十年的禪修班,深知修行學佛要有絕對的信心,才能得大利益。誠如懺文:「莫辭小苦,生懶惰心。」祈願菩薩道上,發長遠心,精進不退。
照客組長 Cynthia Hudson(傳惇)╱ I do not understand all there is to know about each scroll but I completed the ceremony. I stopped chasing feelings; I stopped worrying about the language issues and just chanted. Repenting for my actions that have caused resentment in others became my focus. At the end of the ceremony I felt a sense of calm. I did not chase it, I was not looking to hold on to it – it is just there.(我雖然沒有了解全部的懺文,但是我圓滿參加法會。我不再追逐感覺、不再擔心語言問題,就是讀誦。全心懺悔自己帶給別人煩惱的行為。法會圓滿日,一股平靜湧上心頭。不再追逐,也不執著,就保持這清楚明白。)
研經班學員 Morgan Perkins(傳根)╱ The ceremony itself was stunning. There was no effort for mindfulness of where you are; you are at Buddha Gate, in Chan Hall, with a focused mind sharing this great blessing with your Dharma brothers.(這場法會實在很攝受。人在哪裡,心在哪裡,毫不費力,就在佛門寺,在禪堂,這念專注的心與同參們分享這大福報。)
中級禪修班學員 Ryan Sutherland(傳諳)╱ The beautiful chanting melodies, the exhilarating prostrations, the inspirational Dharma talks given by the Abbess, and the peace-filled meditation periods were like an ambrosial cornucopia which my body and mind consumed simultaneously and wholeheartedly.(莊嚴的梵唄、勤力的禮拜、住持法師的開示、靜坐時的法喜禪悅,令身心如飲甘露。)