美國佛心寺自二○○六年起,協辦當地大學「服務學習計畫(Service Learning Program)」,參與者皆是奧克拉荷馬城市大學(Oklahoma City University, OCU)宗教課程的學生。學生們在宗教團體中從事一日的服務活動,除了回饋社區,也親身體驗不同的宗教文化,學習在日常事務中落實宗教理念。
靜坐之後展開「工作禪修(working meditation)」,由禪修班學員擔任義工,分組帶領學生,將「人在哪裡、心在哪裡」的修行原則,體現在動態的坡事中。精舍並提供營養美味的素齋,一方面推廣素食文化,也教導學生惜福愛物、慈悲護生的觀念。
八年來,這項服務學習計畫每一學期從不間斷,參加人數達到八百人次。二○一三年,「校園協議(Campus Compact)」組織頒發「傑出社區與校園合作獎(Outstanding Community and Campus Collaboration)」,肯定佛心寺協辦活動的成效與貢獻。
出坡前學習靜坐及行香,體會沉澱自心的寧靜。 |
學生們在坡務中學習合作與服務,也在動中禪修,攝心專注,對事以真。 |
大眾於觀音殿前合影,歡喜相約日後再見再來。 |
研經班學員╱傳寂 For most of the students, this is their first experience visiting a Buddhist monastery. I have found them to be open to the experience, hardworking, willing to join in, and enthusiastic. I have had the pleasure of coordinating with the students.(大部分的學生都是第一次參訪佛寺,我發現他們都以開放的態度來看待這次學習經驗,主動參與,並且熱心、認真地工作。我很高興能有機會帶領學生們出坡。)
OCU學生╱David I loved this service learning class and would do it again. There is nothing better than hands on learning. I have a much better understanding of the Buddhist Religion than I ever could have gotten out of a book. I was only with the nuns for several hours, but will remember it for a lifetime.(我喜歡這堂服務學習的課,很想再參加一次,沒有什麼比親身參與的學習更棒的了。我對佛教有了更多的認識,比從任何書本中學到的還多。我雖然只和法師相處幾個小時,這個經驗卻令我終生難忘。)
OCU學生╱Hannah I think everyone who wants to broaden his or her mind should get involved in a service-learning project. My experience at the monastery helped me gain a new perspective on religion, it helped me gain a new appreciation for nature, and it helped me better understand Buddhist traditions and values.(所有想讓心胸開闊的人,都應該來參加這個活動。寺院的學習經驗讓我對宗教有了全新的看法,我學到對大自然要有感恩之心,也認識了佛教的價值觀。)
OCU學生╱Julie Today’s visit was very insightful and meditating was an amazing experience. Beforehand my mind was very scattered. It really helped to calm and focus. I really want to keep it up and attend classes. And I didn’t really consider meditation while doing things. I love the charge in atmosphere. The sense of community was strong and seems to be lacking in my everyday life.(今日的活動非常具有啟發性,靜坐是一個美好的經驗,我原本心思散亂,靜坐後變得平靜而專注,我希望能上禪修班來持續這樣的體驗。我從未想過做事情也可以是禪修。我很喜歡這裡的氣氛,這種團隊的感受是我生活當中所欠缺的。)